Episode 54 – Tom Slater (Call & Response – Spatial Audio in Physical Spaces)


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Episode 54 – Tom Slater (Call & Response – Spatial Audio in Physical Spaces)

In this episode of the Immersive Audio Podcast, Oliver Kadel and Monica Bolles are joined by Tom Slater from London, UK.

Tom is an artist and producer who specialises in spatial sound for art and music in physical spaces. Tom co-founded Call & Response Studios in 2011 which is now based at Somerset House and houses a 25.2 surround sound creative production space.

In this episode, we dive into the topic of spatial audio in physical spaces. Tom shares his experience working with large speaker arrays in a variety of set-ups for live music and art exhibitions.

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Call and Response –  https://callandresponse.org.uk/

Spatial Sound Institute – https://spatialsoundinstitute.com/Compound-Terrains-2017-2018

Assembly 2020 – https://www.assembly2020.co/

Google Chrome Omnitone – https://github.com/GoogleChrome/omnitone

Music Excerpt from Assembly Project 2020. By Artists: Loraine James, Kelman Duran, Ben Vince.

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This episode was produced by Oliver Kadel and Emma Rees and included music by Rhythm Scott.

Episode 53 – Ulli Scuda & Philipp Eibl (MPEG-H)

In this episode of the Immersive Audio Podcast, Oliver Kadel is joined by head of the SoundLab group Ulli Scuda and research engineer Philipp Eibl at Fraunhofer IIS, over Zoom from Bavaria, Germany.

Ulli Scuda got a Tonmeister degree at the Film University Potsdam-Babelsberg where he also got his PhD. His experience covers sound recording, sound design and mixing for various film and music formats, ranging from binaural up to 22.2. He was a visiting lecturer at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences. Today he heads the SoundLab group in the audio department at Fraunhofer IIS where he researches 3D-Audio production and reproduction technologies, as well as microphone arrays and production workflows. His main expertise is immersive audio production, interactive and object-based audio.

Philipp Eibl is a research engineer for Fraunhofer IIS, specializing in Next Generation Audio and the development of NGA production tools in particular.  Together with his colleagues, he mixes content for interactive and immersive experiences and advises industry partners on how they can integrate object-based audio production into their workflows.    Philipp joined Fraunhofer after studying Multimedia Art as well as Media Technology and Production in Salzburg and Amberg and interning in music and broadcast production.  His years of employment in a radio broadcast at the Bayerischer Rundfunk gave him first-hand experience and knowledge of the day-to-day work in both production and live broadcast environments at one of Germany’s largest radio stations.

In this episode, we discuss and compare new generation spatial audio codec MPEG-H and associated authoring tools for its ecosystem.

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Fraunhofer Institute – https://www.fraunhofer.de/en.html

MPEG-H Audio – https://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/en/ff/amm/broadcast-streaming/mpegh.html

Sony 360 Reality Audio – https://www.sony.co.uk/electronics/360-reality-audio

Sony 360 Reality Audio Creative Suite – https://360ra.com/product/360-reality-audio-creative-suite/

MPEG-H Authoring Suite – https://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/en/ff/amm/broadcast-streaming/mpegh-audio-production-tools.html

Spatial Audio Designer – https://newaudiotechnology.com/products/spatial-audio-designer/

ADM – https://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/en/ff/amm/dl/whitepapers/adm-profile.html

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This episode was produced by Oliver Kadel and Emma Rees and included music by Rhythm Scott.

Episode 52 – Monica Bolles (Spatial Audio for Domes & Planetariums)

In this episode of the Immersive Audio Podcast, Oliver Kadel and Bjørn Jacobsen are joined by sound artist Monica Bolles from Denver, US.

Monica Bolles has been working with spatial audio since 2011 when she first gained access to her local planetarium’s 15.1 channel surround system. Since then she has been continuously building toolsets in Max MSP to create large textured soundscapes that explore space, movement, and interaction. Tapping into her roots in traditional audio engineering she works with composers and live performers to explore methods of translating their work to spatial environments while exploring the role the audio engineer plays as a performer and musician. As an artist, she has been focusing on building custom instruments that explore data sonification and use gestural control to create improvised spatial audio experiences. As a producer, she puts together teams to build large immersive works that bring together live performance, dance, 360-projections, spatial audio, and other new technologies.  She is also a presenter and host of workshops in her field and has performed in this capacity at SXSW (2019) Ableton Loop (2018), IMERSA Summit (2013-2019), and NIME (2017-2018), among others. Currently, she owns and operates her own company, Resonant Interactions, specializing in immersive experience design.

In this episode, we dive into the topic of spatial audio for domes and planetariums, and Monica expertly covers multiple aspects of this re-emerging industry.

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Unreal Engine 5 – https://www.unrealengine.com

Meta Sounds – https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.0/en-US/AudioFeatures/MetaSounds/

Dolby Atmos for Music – https://www.dolby.com/music/

Monica Bolles – http://www.monicabolles.com

Resonant Interactions – http://www.resonantinteractions.com

N/TOPIA – https://vimeo.com/392358059

Orbits – https://vimeo.com/360311936

Collision – https://vimeo.com/437903790

SPAT Revolution – https://www.flux.audio/project/spat-revolution/

IRCAM – https://www.ircam.fr/

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This episode was produced by Oliver Kadel and Emma Rees and included music by Rhythm Scott.

Episode 51 – Kaushik Sunder (Embody)

In this episode of the Immersive Audio Podcast, Oliver Kadel is joined by the Director of Engineering at Embody – Kaushik Sunder, from San Francisco, US.

Kaushik Sunder currently heads the overall Engineering efforts and also leads the Audio and Acoustics Research Team at EMBODY.  Kaushik has spent a great deal of his research career in the field of 3D Audio and Psychoacoustics. Over the last few years, his research has focussed on understanding the importance of personalized HRTFs particularly for headphone playback of spatial audio.   Prior to working at Embody, Kaushik served as a role of Research Scientist at Ossic and as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Sound Recording Department, Schulich School of Music at McGill University. He is also a visiting research scientist at the Human factors department at NASA Ames Research Center. Kaushik received his PhD from the Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, NTU Singapore. He has regularly authored articles appearing in the Journal of Acoustical Society of America, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Journal of Audio Engineering Society, and AES International Conventions.

In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of personalised listening for spatial audio, and Kaushik expertly explains the science behind personalised HRTF and the advantages of its usage in the studio.

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Kaushik Sunder – https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaushik-sunder-9445b314/

Embody – https://embody.co/

This Is Your Brain On Music Book – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Is_Your_Brain_on_Music

NASA AMES Research Centre – https://www.nasa.gov/ames

Ossic – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/248983394/ossic-x-the-first-3d-audio-headphones-calibrated-t

Audeze – https://www.audeze.com/

Ambi Decoder – https://new.steinberg.net/immerse/

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This episode was produced by Oliver Kadel and Emma Rees and included music by Rhythm Scott.

Episode 50 – Henrik Oppermann, Jean-Pascal Beaudoin and Viktor Phoenix

In this episode of the Immersive Audio Podcast, Oliver Kadel is joined by industry practitioners Henrik Oppermann, Jean-Pascal Beaudoin and Viktor Phoenix. Based on decades of combined experience of creative practice in the field of spatial audio for immersive media we discuss current affairs and reflect on the progress and prospects for the industry as a whole.

Henrik  Oppermann

Henrik Oppermann (M.Mus.) is a leading 3D sound specialist. Formerly Head of Sound at Visualise, he brings with him over 10 years of experience of recording studio-quality audio on location for film, advertising, music industry clients and 3D sound installations.   Since joining Visualise in 2014, Henrik has worked on over 80 virtual reality projects, capturing 3D audio in a number of challenging environments, including low flying military aircraft, formula one race cars, refugee camps, mountain peaks and concert halls around the world.   An expert in his field, Henrik has developed hardware and software audio applications for VR collaboration with leading sound partners, to deliver the best possible immersive sound.   For example with Sennheiser, Henrik was involved in the early stages of the development of the AMBEO VR mic and has kept close interaction with the AMBEO team since then. He is featured in the education video series covering how to record and mix with the AMBEO VR mic. Henrik sees the 360 image as a score for interactive soundscapes and has developed a number of unique workflows to deliver the best possible immersive sound experiences.

Viktor Phoenix

Partner & Head of Sound, Headspace Studio Los Angeles. Viktor believes in a vision of the future where everything you experience digitally is more immersive, more emotional, and more meaningful when what you see and do has a deep connection to what you hear.  He is a creative and technical audio director with expertise in interactive audio, sound design, and spatial audio for immersive media and a passion for non-linear and reactive storytelling.  Phoenix has collaborated on XR projects with talented partners at companies like Wevr, Artie, MPC, Sony Pictures, The Mill, MAP Design Lab, Annapurna Pictures, With.in, The New York Times, Kite & Lightning, ETC@USC, TNT, Lionsgate, Cloudhead Games, and ThreeOneZero, including Documentary Emmy®-nominated The Click Effect, ADR1FT — winner of the 2016 award for Sound Mixing in VR from The National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers, and Insurgent – Shatter Reality VRE — nominated for Best Sound Design at the 2015 Proto Awards.   Phoenix was previously Sound Supervisor for the Sound Lab at Technicolor and held senior positions at AAA game developers Pandemic Studios, an Electronic Arts-owned developer, and Turtle Rock Studios

Jean-Pascal Beaudoin

Co-founder & President, Headspace Studio Head of Sound, Headspace Studio Montreal     Jean-Pascal believes in a vision of the future where everything you experience digitally is more immersive, more emotional, and more meaningful — because of what you hear.  With extensive experience in audio post-production and music score supervision and driven by a combined passion for cinematic storytelling and immersive audio technology, he established himself as a creative pioneer in the emerging field of spatial audio for XR.  With Headspace Studio, Jean-Pascal has worked with high-profile creative partners on VR projects such as the Emmy Award-winning The People’s House: Inside the White House with Barack and Michelle Obama, Wes Anderson’s Isle of Dogs: Behind the Scenes, Jurassic World: Blue, Traveling While Black by Academy Award-winning director Roger Ross Williams, Gloomy Eyes with Colin Farrell, and the Space Explorers franchise partly shot aboard the International Space Station and adapted for 360 3D VR video, full-dome, theatrical, and an immersive exhibition.

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Headspace Studio – https://headspacestudio.com/

Schallgeber – https://www.schallgeber.com/

Felix & Paul – https://www.felixandpaul.com/

Olympic Studios Cinema – https://www.olympiccinema.co.uk/

NASA Project – https://time.com/space-explorers/

Mahler Chamber Orchestra – https://mahlerchamber.com/

Symphony VR with Gustavo Dudamel and the Mahler Chamber Orchestra – https://www.schallgeber.com/symphony-vr

Ambeo Cube – https://en-us.sennheiser.com/ambeo-blueprints-loudspeakers

MKH800 Twin Microphone – https://en-us.sennheiser.com/studio-condenser-microphone-stereo-surround-mkh-800-twin-ni

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We want to hear from you! We really value our community and would appreciate it if you would take our very quick survey and help us make the Immersive Audio Podcast even better: surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3Y9B2MJ Thank you!


This episode was produced by Oliver Kadel and Emma Rees and included music by Rhythm Scott.

Episode 49 – Ben Supper (Supperware)

In this episode of the Immersive Audio Podcast, Oliver Kadel and Bjørn Jacobsen are joined by electronics engineer Ben Supper from London, UK.

Ben Supper started Supperware in 2018, with the aim of making hardware and software to meet the needs of professional musicians and engineers who work with immersive audio. The challenge has been to meet their needs for high accuracy, speed, and as little impact on their budget as possible. The first product to reach general sale is a head tracker, without which there’s no point making anything else. He has spent a total of twenty years working as a product engineer and occasional manager for ROLI, Focusrite, and others. Some products he’s particularly proud of co-developing to include the ROLI Seaboard, and the Novation Launchpad and Mininova. Before most of this, Ben obtained a PhD in the field of spatial psychoacoustics from Surrey in 2005 and was a graduate of the Tonmeister course in 2000. It is Ben’s dream to make immersive audio work commercially this time around, and not to frighten away those casual experimenters and distractible creatives on whom its commercial and artistic success will completely depend.

In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of head-tracking for audio, and Ben expertly explains the advantages of using trackers for spatial sound and the process of making them.

Supperware is giving away a free tracker to one of our lucky listeners! It’s very easy to enter – all details in the episode – submit your entry by Friday the 5th of March 2021.

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Music and Sound Recording (Tonmeister) BSc (Hons) University of Surrey  – https://www.surrey.ac.uk/undergraduate/music-and-sound-recording-tonmeister

CujoSound  YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDe59ZJaYVueCUH55POlW3g

Ben Supper Website – https://supperware.net

Supperware – https://supperware.co.uk/

Head Tracker 1 – https://supperware.co.uk/store/p/mp9tjaluyjau8w74ue6nyhdp9uv6dc

Spatial Audio: Showing You What You Already Know – Ben Supper  ADC20 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kRFK_Z2FRU

Roli – https://roli.com/

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This episode was produced by Oliver Kadel and Emma Rees and included music by Rhythm Scott.

Episode 48 – Andy Slator

In this episode of the Immersive Audio Podcast, Oliver Kadel and Bjørn Jacobsen are joined by sound artist and disability advocate – Andy Slater from Chicago, US.

Andy Slater is a Chicago based media artist and disability advocate. He is the founder of the Society of Visually Impaired Sound Artists and director of the Sound As Sight accessible field recording project. His current work features the sounds of antiquated assistive technology, field recordings, spatial audio design for virtual and augmented reality, video games, and films. He works with analogue and FM synthesis in his sound design process with a lean towards retro-futurism, Classic sci-fi and video game sound, and blurry analogue tape charm. Andy has a masters in Sound Arts and Industries from Northwestern University and holds a BFA from the School Of the Art Institute of Chicago.

In this episode, Andy shares his unique journey full of frustrating battles and success stories. You will hear excerpts of Andy’s conceptual artwork and find out about his mission of making the world of audio tech for blind and visually impaired people more accessible.

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Dear VR Micro Plugin  – https://www.dearvr.com/products/dearvr-micro

EPOS GTW 270 Hybrid – https://www.eposaudio.com/en/gb/gaming/products/gtw-270-hybrid-low-latency-connection-bluetooth-gaming-headset-1000230

Andy Slater Website – https://www.thisisandyslater.net/

Shure Motiv Recording App – https://www.shure.com/en-GB/products/software/shure_plus_motiv

Microsoft Soundscape – https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/product/soundscape/

Apogee  MetaRecorder App – https://apogeedigital.com/products/metarecorder

The Last of Us – https://www.naughtydog.com/blog/the_last_of_us_part_ii

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We want to hear from you! We really value our community and would appreciate it if you would take our very quick survey and help us make the Immersive Audio Podcast even better: surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3Y9B2MJ Thank you!


This episode was produced by Oliver Kadel and Emma Rees and included music by Rhythm Scott.

Episode 47 – Asbjoern Andersen (A Sound Effect)

In this episode of the Immersive Audio Podcast, Oliver Kadel and Bjørn Jacobsen are joined by the founder of A Sound Effect –  Asbjoern Andersen from Copenhagen, Denmark.

Asbjoern Andersen is the founder of A Sound Effect (asoundeffect.com), the world’s largest site for independent sound effects, and is also the co-creator of Soundlister.com, featuring portfolios of thousands of audio professionals from around the world. Along with his team, he also runs the Audio Jobs newsletter and Audio Jobs groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.

In this episode, Asbjoern tells us how he built the biggest independent sound effects marketplace in the world along with an entire ecosystem of practical resources for audio professionals. We also discuss MPEG-H Authoring Suite and the role of the sound designer in the AAA Game development set-up.

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EBU – https://www.ebu.ch/home

Fraunhofer MPEG-H Authoring Suite – https://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/en/ff/amm/dl/software/mas.html

Asbjoern Andersen – https://www.linkedin.com/in/aandersen

A Sound Effect – https://www.asoundeffect.com

A Sound Effect Podcast – https://www.asoundeffect.com/podcast

Soundlister – https://soundlister.com/

CyberPunk – https://www.cyberpunk.net/gb/en/

Eve Valkyrie – https://www.evevalkyrie.com/

Audio Podcast Alliance – https://www.asoundeffect.com/audio-podcast-alliance/

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If you enjoy the podcast and would like to show your support please consider becoming a Patreon. Not only are you supporting us, but you will also get special access to bonus content and much more.

Find out more on our official Patreon page – https://www.patreon.com/immersiveaudiopodcast

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We want to hear from you! We really value our community and would appreciate it if you would take our very quick survey and help us make the Immersive Audio Podcast even better: surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3Y9B2MJ Thank you!


This episode was produced by Oliver Kadel and Emma Rees and included music by Rhythm Scott.

Episode 46 – Alan Sallabank (8dB Sound)

In this episode of the Immersive Audio Podcast, Oliver Kadel and Bjørn Jacobsen are joined by Dubbing Mixer and owner of 8dB Sound – Alan Sallabank from Bristol, UK.

Alan Sallabank is a sound engineer with over three decades of professional experience in post-production. From an early age, he has been fascinated by the power of sound to communicate a story, be it musically or spoken, factual or scripted. He has built his own equipment, designed and built mix rooms and foley/ADR facilities, and developed workflows. Whenever new equipment or software arrives, he is always looking at how it can be made to do more than it says on the tin.

Since 2013 Alan has run and owned 8dB Sound – an independent post-production facility, now located near Bristol, UK. He specialises in immersive digital audio and remote workflow, but still has a very weak spot for classic seventies turntables.

In this episode, Alan shares his experience on best practice for remote working and collaboration for audio as well as the evolution of immersive audio in traditional broadcast and TV media.

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Alan Sallabank



8dB Sound – www.8dB.co.uk

Sony 360 Reality Audio – https://www.sony.net/Products/create360RA/?j-short=create360RA&utm_source=website&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=AudioFutures

Source Connect – https://www.source-elements.com/products/source-connect/

Source Elements – https://www.source-elements.com/

Audio Podcast Alliance – https://www.asoundeffect.com/audio-podcast-alliance/


We want to hear from you! We really value our community and would appreciate it if you would take our very quick survey and help us make the Immersive Audio Podcast even better: surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3Y9B2MJ Thank you!


This episode was produced by Oliver Kadel and Emma Rees and included music by Rhythm Scott.

Episode 45 – Guillaume Le Nost (L-Acoustics)

In this episode of the Immersive Audio Podcast, Oliver Kadel is joined by Executive Director, and Creative Technologist at L-Acoustics Guillaume Le Nost via Zoom  from London, UK.

Driven by a passion for sound and technology, Guillaume has built a career in both the artistic and technical domains.

After getting two MScs in electrical engineering and signal processing from Ecole Centrale Paris and IRCAM, he started a research career in 3D sound, and received a PhD in Acoustics. He then performed as a professional rock musician and managed an indie music label before going on to co-found the start-up AudioGaming, a pioneer in audio synthesis technologies and French Ministry of Research award-winner.

He joined the L‑Acoustics R&D department in France in 2009 where he led projects on acoustic measurement and simulation, and developed new signal processing algorithms for integration into L‑Acoustics software and amplified controllers. Guillaume moved to London in 2012 to head the company’s research efforts into immersive audio for live sound. Since then, L-ISA object-based audio technology has been deployed in more than 5000 live shows, from clubs to arenas across the world, with artists such as Aerosmith, Lady Gaga, Bon Iver, Alt-J, or the BBC Proms.

In this episode, Guillaume talks about how the live sound industry is undergoing a quiet revolution by adapting immersive audio and how their latest L-ISA technology empowers sound engineers to break through long standing conventions.

The binaural audio excerpt by Molecule from the Acousmatic 360 tour, performed live at “Printemps de Bourges” with a 12.1 system. The spatialization is done in real-time using L-ISA by a live mixing engineer Herve Dejardin.

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L-Acoustics – https://www.l-acoustics.com

L-ISA – https://l-isa-immersive.com/

L-ISA Controller – https://www.l-acoustics.com/fr/produit/l-isa-controller/

L-Acoustics Soundvision – https://www.l-acoustics.com/en/software/soundvision-presentation/

We Make Events Initiative – https://www.wemakeevents.com/

Owl Project – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/marser/owl-programmable-effects-pedal


We want to hear from you! We really value our community and would appreciate it if you would take our very quick survey and help us make the Immersive Audio Podcast even better: surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3Y9B2MJ Thank you!


This episode was produced by Oliver Kadel and Michelle Chan with the help of Emma Rees and included music by Knobs Bergamo.