In this episode of the Immersive Audio Podcast, Oliver Kadel and Bjørn Jacobsen are joined by the co-founder and managing director of Encircled Max Röhrbein from Berlin, Germany.
Max is a co-founder and a managing director at Encircled audio.solutions GmbH where Encircled is the official and only licensee of the IOSONO software.
In this episode, Max discusses the technical capabilities of the entire IOSONO software and hardware ecosystem and we dive deep into this episode’s hot topic – Wave Field Synthesis.
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Show Notes
Cujo Sound YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDe59ZJaYVueCUH55POlW3g
Dolby Atmos plug-in for Logic Pro – https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/logicpro/lgcp8e75f0b5/mac
Unity to acquire Peter Jackson’s Weta Digital in $1.6 billion deal – https://www.techspot.com/news/92159-unity-acquire-peter-jackson-weta-digital-16-billion.html
Max Röhrbein – https://www.linkedin.com/in/max-r%C3%B6hrbein-7560ab59/
Encircled/ IOSONO – https://encircled-audio.com/
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This episode was produced by Oliver Kadel and Emma Rees and included music by Rhythm Scott.