Episode 29 – John Kyle Varley (Frameworks Productions)
01 Nov 2019

Episode 29 – John Kyle Varley (Frameworks Productions)

01 Nov 2019

In this episode of the Immersive Audio Podcast, Oliver Kadel is joined by John Kyle Varley on Skype from Halifax, Canada.

John Kyle is a musician/music producer and founder of Frameworks Productions, a production company that specializes in creating musical scores for virtual reality and 360º film. At the end of 2017, Frameworks worked with the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity to develop generative music processes using spatial audio. He recently gave a talk on spatialized 3D audio and generative music at VRTO2019, the annual Virtual & Augmented Reality World Conference & Expo in Toronto, Canada.

After receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Music Theory and Composition from St. Francis Xavier University in 2006, he cultivated years of experience as a touring, recording, and teaching musician and switched to music production later on in his career.

Today, Oliver and John Kyle discuss the influence of sound and music in virtual reality and the creation of Frameworks Productions.

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Show Notes

Frameworks Productions Official Website: https://www.frameworksproductions.ca/

John Kyle Varley’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnkylevarley/

John Kyle Varley’s Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/John-Kyle-Varley

John Kyle Varley’s talk at VRTO2019:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_qfSPnSJEY

PlayStation VR (PSVR): https://www.playstation.com/en-ae/explore/playstation-vr/

PlayStation VR Worlds – Ocean Descent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yxa7-7jeWw

Oculus Rift: https://www.oculus.com/

Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity: https://www.banffcentre.ca/

Virtual Reality at Banff Centre: https://www.banffcentre.ca/articles/we-have-vr-%E2%80%94-now-how-do-we-use-it-tell-stories


This episode was produced by Oliver Kadel and Michelle Chan with the help of Shane O’Hare and included music by Knobs Bergamo.