Episode 4 – Sally-Anne Kellaway


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Episode 4 – Sally-Anne Kellaway

In today’s episode we are joined by Sally-Anne Kellaway via Skype. Sally is the Senior Audio Designer on the Microsoft Mixed Reality – Audio and AI team, and an industry leading VR Audio Evangelist.

She has extensive experience in sound recording, editing, implementation and testing for interactive media in standard and VR/AR and has an interest in implementing true 3D spatial hearing and binaural sound in video games and other interactive experiences. She is the founder of the Virtual Reality Content Creators Network of Australia (VRCC)  which is a not for profit community for virtual reality and associated industries. The VRCC advocates for innovation and connection for all professionals working in virtual, augmented and mixed reality industries in Australia.

Previously the Creative Director at OSSIC, the leading audio technology providers active in the VR space, she has a Masters in Acoustics with a focus on psychoacoustics and spatial audio from the University of Sydney. Sally-Anne is sought after by VR and AR developers, Software and Middleware developers, Conferences, Meetup Groups and Panels to develop and consult on sound design, implementation, tutorials and presentations. She is the Founder of the Women/NB in VR Group for Australia and co-organiser of the San Diego VR community group and is on the AES Technical Committee for Game Audio (Spatial Audio) and on the Diversity and Inclusion Working group.

Sally is a vocal advocate for VR, AR and MR as the future of audio, entertainment and industry and uses her education in Sound Design, Acoustics and Psychoacoustics to rise the tide for all audio professionals passionate about the future.

In this episode, Sally-anne speaks about head-tracking, the future of Audio AR, and diversity in the industry.

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Sally-anne Kellaway: http://soundsbysal.weebly.com

University of Sydney: https://sydney.edu.au/

The Virtual Barbershop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUDTlvagjJA

OSSIC: https://www.ossic.com/

Audio Engineering Society: http://www.aes.org/

Virtual Reality Content Creators of Australia: http://www.vrcc-aus.rocks/

The Wave VR: http://thewavevr.com/

Zero Latency VR: https://www.zerolatencyvr.com/

Episode 3 – Michael Kelly

Michael Kelly is Senior Director, Research and Development at DTS and is responsible for spatial audio SDKs used in games, AR, VR and other media. Kelly is also co-chair of the AES Technical Committee on Audio for games and chairs the AES Audio for Games conferences. He has over 15 year’s experience in the games industry working on both the creative and technical aspects of games. Michael began his career as Lead Sound Designer at Revolution Software working on Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon. Following this, he was responsible for the implementation of high quality DSP effects on a number of platforms at Creative Labs and led 3rd-party audio tools and high-level library development for PS3 and Vita at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. He has a PhD in Electronic Engineering from the University of York, specialising in 3-D audio and Audio Coding.

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Michael Kelly Linkedin: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/michael-kelly-7991715

Broken Sword: https://revolution.co.uk/

DTS: http://dts.com/

DTS:X: http://dts.com/dtsx

DTS Headphone:X: http://dts.com/headphonex

Xperi: https://www.xperi.com/

Elite Dangerous: https://www.elitedangerous.com/

The International Consumer Electronics Show: https://www.ces.tech/

Audio Engineering Society: http://www.aes.org/

Unity: https://unity3d.com/

Unreal: https://www.unrealengine.com

Episode 2 – Justin Paterson

Justin Paterson joined us in the studio for today’s highly informative episode. After leaving silicon chip design, Justin worked as a session drummer for a number of years in the 90’s playing on releases, TV and radio before moving to synthesis, production and composition. His research on many aspects of music production and audio technology has been published widely. He has written for, given tutorials to, and peer-reviewed for the AES in the UK, US and Europe. In 2014, He was awarded an AHRC grant to develop an App release-format for music albums with interactive playback, a system that is currently patent pending and undergoing further AHRC-funded commercial exploitation by the Warner Music Group. Justin also worked with the record label Ninja Tune and the band Coldcut on binaural 3-D (interactive) audio for VR. Justin also reviews books for Focal Press, and is author of The Drum Programming Handbook, and a chapter on 3-D music production in a forthcoming Routledge edition in the ‘ Perspective on Music Production’ series. He is also co-editor of a newly commissioned Routledge book on 3-D audio.

Justin is also co-chair of the Innovation in Music Conference series, and supervises PhDs related to music technology, both in LCM and externally. He is also a practising record producer with commercial releases, and has authored a number of funding proposals relating to 3-D production, that are currently under review.

As well as discussing the above, Justin explains the concepts of ambisonics, binaural audio and head related transfer function (HRTF). We talk about the academic community, immersive audio and the development of technology associated with 3-D audio. Justin speaks about his plan to create a 3D audio research network, to bring together academia and industry and define cross-industrially relevant research questions.

“Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you have, and you have to be very careful not to get those two confused”

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Professor Justin Paterson: Associate Professor of Music Technology: https://www.uwl.ac.uk/users/justin-paterson

MA Advanced Music Technology: University of West London: http://www.uwl.ac.uk/course/advanced-music-technology-1/29473

The Interactive Album App: https://www.uwl.ac.uk/academic-schools/music/lcm-research/current-research-projects/interactive-album-app

Daisy and the Dark: Red Planet: http://www.daisyandthedark.com/redplanetapp

Innovation in Music Conference: http://www.musicinnovation.co.uk/

Mi.Mu Gloves: http://mimugloves.com/

Auro-3D: https://www.auro-3d.com/

The Drum Programming Handbook: The Complete Guide to Creating Great Rhythm Tracks: http://amzn.to/2HFvvuo

SADIE: Spatial Audio for Domestic Interactive Entertainment: https://www.york.ac.uk/sadie-project/

S3A: Future Spatial Audio: http://www.s3a-spatialaudio.org/wordpress/

The Ambisonic Motherlode: http://decoy.iki.fi/dsound/ambisonic/motherlode/index

Episode 1 – Henrik Oppermann

In this episode we are joined in studio by one of the leading 3D sound specialists, Henrik Oppermann. Henrik is the founder of Schallgeber and former Head of Sound at Visualise and has worked on over 40 virtual reality projects, capturing binaural audio in a number of challenging environments. He has over 10 years’ experience of recording audio on location for film, advertising, music industry clients and 3D sound installations. An expert in his field, Henrik has developed hardware and software audio applications for VR collaboration with leading sound partners, to deliver the best possible immersive sound.

We discuss higher order ambisonics, the importance of being involved in a project from the early stages and the ins and outs of recording in unusual locations. We ask how and where immersive audio will be used in the future and discuss the mass adoption of VR.

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Schallgeber: https://www.schallgeber.com

Linkedin Profile: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/henrik-oppermann-700487a0

Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/schallgeber

Visualise: http://visualise.com/

Doctors without Borders / MSF – Forced From Home Project: http://visualise.com/case-study/msf-doctors-without-borders-forced-home

Blue Ripple Sound Plugins: http://www.blueripplesound.com/product-listings/pro-audio

Two Big Ears: https://www.facebook.com/TwoBigEars

Reaper Sofware: https://www.reaper.fm/

Eigenmike Microphone: https://mhacoustics.com/products

Ossic Headphones: https://www.ossic.com/

Dolby Atmos: https://www.dolby.com/us/en/brands/dolby-atmos.html

Facebook Spatial Workstation: https://facebook360.fb.com/spatial-workstation/

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/audio360support

Miyubi: https://www.felixandpaul.com/?projects/miyubi

Sennheiser Ambeo VR Microphone: https://en-uk.sennheiser.com/microphone-3d-audio-ambeo-vr-mic

Apple ARkit: https://developer.apple.com/arkit/

Dublin in the Dark Project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqiaTvIwcks

Samsung Gear VR: http://www.samsung.com/uk/wearables/gear-vr-innovator-edition-r320/


Since the recording if this podcast there have been a number of updates in the mentioned software, for example Avid released an update for Pro Tools HD 12.8.2 which now supports a high channel count.