Episode 105 Sol Rezza (Dimensions of a Sphere)

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Episode 105 Sol Rezza (Dimensions of a Sphere)


We’re excited to announce the launch of the Immersive Audio Podcast Masterclass series. The sessions are designed to enhance your practical learning experience and are delivered by world-class experts. We go a level deeper by providing video demonstrations, spatial audio playback and an exclusive opportunity to interact with our expert guests. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/immersive-audio-podcast-masterclass-with-dr-hyunkook-lee-tickets-977952280597

We proudly present our first expert guest Dr. Hyunkook Lee, Professor of Audio and Psychoacoustic Engineering, and the Director of the Applied Psychoacoustics Laboratory (APL), University of Huddersfield, UK. In this masterclass, our audience will learn about psychoacoustic and cognitive aspects of binaural perception, the binauralasation technology and practical use cases of Virtuoso. https://apl-hud.com/product/virtuoso/


In this episode of the Immersive Audio Podcast, Oliver Kadel and Monica Bolles are joined by the composer and sound designer – Sol Rezza from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Sol Rezza is a composer, sound designer, and audio engineer who has carved a path in the realms of immersive narratives and spatial audio. Residing in Mexico for 14 years enriched her understanding of soundscapes and aboriginal narratives concerning time and space. This exploration period led to a diverse skill set, including sound engineering, sound design, room acoustics, spatial audio, and immersive audio.

Rezza’s sonic creations invite audiences to reflect on how sound can redefine their relationship with the environment and the technological developments surrounding them. By employing cutting-edge methodologies such as adaptive spatial processing, real-time interactive sound design, and AI-driven audio synthesis, her goal is to establish new standards for experimental immersive sonic narratives. 

Believing in the power of collaboration, Sol actively participates in the independent creative community by organizing workshops and discussions that foster dialogue and learning in immersive audio experiences. These initiatives invite independent producers to explore their own narrative proposals, enhancing both technical skills and critical thinking about the evolving landscape of sound. 

Her portfolio includes notable works such as the album “SPIT” (2011), praised by the American press, and performances like “In the Darkness of the World” (2015), which was described as a captivating blend of sounds evoking otherworldly realms. In 2021, her audiovisual installation “Catastrophic Forgetting” debuted at the X-Church Cultural Center, utilizing a state-of-the-art multichannel sound system. 

Currently, Sol is researching the influence of advanced audio technologies on digital storytelling. Through her work, she aims to inspire the next generation of audio artists and professionals, expanding the vital role of sound in shaping our perceptions of time and space.

Sol talks about her projects whilst exploring concepts of time and space through the lens of new technologies such as spatial audio and artificial intelligence.

Listen to Podcast

Show Notes

Sol Rezza LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/solrezza/

Sol Rezza Official Website – https://solrezza.net/en/

Sol Rezza Research – https://solrezza.net/en/immersive-audio-research/

Sol Rezza Instagrm – https://www.instagram.com/sol.rezza/

Sol Rezza – Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/solrezza

Sol Rezza Email – [email protected]

The Turbulence Sound Matrix – https://archive.aec.at/media/assets/38c52969b8c4fec6cd15e091fc08cc58.pdf


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This episode was produced by Oliver Kadel and Emma Rees and included music by Rhythm Scott.